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Benefit from the insights of Kyocera’s ultimate guide

Work home flexibility can raise levels of productivity.
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Being give the flexibility and trust to work from home should be met with extra motivation to maintain and, if possible, raise the levels of productivity and quality. Here's how to make the most of working from home. Download the infographics for managers and employees below:

10 tips for Managers on how to manage remote staff

  • Download the infographic: 10 tips for Managers on how to manage remote staff (KDE_coronavirus_infographic_GMs.pdf)
    • 1 MB
    • PDF

10 Tips for Employees to Work from Home Efficiently

  • Download the infographic: 10 Tips for Employees to Work from Home Efficiently (KDE_WFH_10_tips_employees.pdf)
    • 1 MB
    • PDF
people working happy

Remote Working

Remote Working is a growing trend. Download the e-book and discover why your organisation should employ such a policy.

Discover more about Remote Working

Protect your cybersecurity, establish an ideal work-life balance and create a consistent work from home policy.

  • Mental Health when working remotely

    Remote working means being out of our comfort zones, but with the right approach this new way of working can be revitalizing and engaging.

  • Tools required for remote project management

    Streamlining processes and mobilizing teams to produce quality work and meet deadlines is paramount for companies using remote working.

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